Renters Mobilize for Tenants’ Right Ordinances, Reject Landlord Lobby Scare Tactics
Everyone deserves a safe, dignified, and affordable home. But some landlords would rather protect their own profits over tenants’ rights in Minneapolis, launching the deceptive “Safe and Affordable Minneapolis” campaign to attack two proposed city ordinances for renter protections in Minneapolis.
An effort convened by Inquilinxs Unidxs Por Justicia, The Alliance, HOME Line, Take Action MN and Parks and Power has been lifting up the voices of renters with direct experience of landlord discrimination, formerly incarcerated community members who have felt the devastating impact of the current discriminatory housing system and landlords who recognize that the entire community benefits when all individuals and families have access to safe, affordable and dignified housing.
In recent weeks we’ve produced videos that have:
Unmasked the Safe & Affordable Neighborhoods Minneapolis campaign as a front for the Minnesota Multi-Housing Association, which represents landlords interests and has been engaged in opposing renters’ rights in the past
Shared how and why the proposed ordinances are important to address racist systems, practices and policies, both past and present, that disproportionately impact communities of color
And spoken out against the false narrative being advanced by the Safe & Affordable Neighborhoods Minneapolis campaign by delivering a letter and inviting dialogue with MHA at their offices
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