The Met Council’s newly appointed Equity Advisory Committee will confront the institutional policies and practices that have named the Twin Cities as having the highest racial disparities in terms of income, housing and education. The 21-member committee will set its own agenda and have broad latitude to analyze data and push for changes in regional…

As we approach another legislative session at the State Capitol, transportation advocates remain committed to fighting for a win that improves quality of life and economic opportunity for every Minnesotan. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce the launch of a new statewide campaign: Transportation Forward, a transportation campaign led by Transit for Livable…

True equitable development reflects the vision of communities of color and low wealth communities, builds wealth and creates healthy outcomes. As our region invests billions of dollars in public and private infrastructure projects, we have an opportunity to ensure developments are transformative by leveraging catalytic investments for these communities. People of color and others who…

To receive federal money, each state’s transportation departments must set a statewide three-year goal for small businesses owned by people of color and women on federal-funded transportation projects. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) announced last month that it fell three percent short of its 10 percent Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal for the…

According to a new study, Minnesota’s transportation needs $16.3 billion in investment through 2037. New federal money providing Minnesota with $36 million in additional highway and transit funding this fiscal year (and amounts increasing thereafter to $107 million in fiscal 2020) will help us meet this need. And some of the $1.87 billion projected surplus in the state budget may be tapped as well….

Transportation Advisory Board Seeks New Members A board that works with the Metropolitan Council to allocate millions in federal funding to roads, transit and bicycle/pedestrian projects is looking for new members. The Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) has 34 members including city and county representatives, state agencies, people with expertise in transportation and local residents. Find out more…

A pop-up version of the proposed North Minneapolis Greenway is coming to the Jordan and Folwell neighborhoods this fall. The installation is slated to begin by the end of October on a five-block section of Irving Avenue North between Jordan and Folwell parks, which includes a crossing at Lowry Avenue North. Read more about the…

Last week, the Atlantic published an article called The Miracle of Minneapolis which praised the Twin Cities metro area for its success in the areas of education, social mobility, affordable housing, tax policy, and high rates of employment. However, while our region continues to top the charts in terms of how well we are doing…

Last week, the Twin Cities’ five suburban counties held a dramatic meeting to announce concerns about the region’s transportation planning. At the center of the discussion was a list of “common and unique concerns” shared by the suburban counties. To most people, their concerns could be passed off as obscure. But to advocates and those…

Minneapolis will continue to plan and seek money for streetcar lines and bus rapid transit routes aimed at better connecting existing and future transit projects with areas of high poverty and high numbers of transit users. The city will also keep pushing the Metropolitan Council and the state to fund transit improvements that will help…