Alliance News: Announcing Two Funding Opportunities

The Alliance for Metropolitan Stability, in partnership with the City of Minneapolis and the Northside Greenway Council, is pleased to announce two funding opportunities for organizations and individuals to do community engagement around the North Minneapolis Greenway Demonstration project for the summer of 2016.
Applications for Greenway Demonstration Neighborhood Connectors (for Individuals)
We are accepting applications for Greenway Demonstration Neighborhood Connectors to do engagement around the upcoming demonstration project planned for spring of 2016. Neighborhood Connectors are individuals who live and/or have significant connections to North Minneapolis. They will work to connect with their neighbors and residents living on or close to the demonstration route (3000 – 3500 Irving Ave N) or living on or close to the full greenway route (mostly Irving and Humboldt avenues) to help people experience the greenway and how it can be used. Connectors will be gathering feedback about residents’ experience using the demonstration greenway and how a potential permanent greenway should be designed, programmed, and maintained.
Individuals will be selected on a monthly, rolling basis to receive an estimated reimbursement of $100 – $250 to conduct engagement activities. Individuals may apply for up to $500 if their engagement activities will consist of two or more community events. Applications can be submitted on the second Friday of the month for funding in the middle of the following month, with the first applications due by 5 p.m. Friday, May 13 to Ebony Adedayo at Find out more >
Applications for Micro-Grants (for Organizations)
We are also accepting applications for community organizations to do engagement around the upcoming demonstration project planned for spring of 2016. Eligible organizations are entities that are either place based or have significant connections to North Minneapolis. They will work to connect community members living on or close to the demonstration route (3000 – 3500 Irving Ave N) or living on or close to the full greenway route (mostly Irving and Humboldt avenues) to help people experience the greenway and how it can be used. Organizations will be gathering feedback about residents’ experience using the demonstration greenway the demonstration greenway’s usage and how a potential permanent greenway should be designed, programmed, and maintained.
Organizations may apply for micro-grants ranging from $250 – $3000. Approximately $17,500 is available. Applications for micro-grants are due by 5 p.m. Friday, May 13 and should be emailed to Ebony Adedayo –
Find out more >
There will also be an information meeting for all interested applicants of both
funding pools on Tuesday, April 26 from 1 – 2.30 p.m. (location to be announced)
and a conference call on Wednesday, April 27 from 7 – 8 p.m.