July 19, 2018: Alliance and Equity in Place responses to Minneapolis 2040 Draft Comprehensive Plan
Both the Alliance and Equity in Place responded directly to the Analysis of Housing Needs presented in the Minneapolis 2040 Draft Comprehensive Plan. The Alliance’s response focuses on the following items, highlighting missing or under-explained issues and offering policy action steps:
• Loss of 15,000 affordable units since 2000 and the resultant displacement,
• Extensive housing cost burdens born by current residents, disproportionately affecting renters, people of color, and low wealth communities,
• Problems experienced by low income renters such as poor maintenance, exploitive practices, and the consequences of eviction, and finally
• The Comprehensive Plan’s analysis wholly fails to address a fourth concern, which the Metropolitan Land Use Act and the Metropolitan Council’s Thrive 2040 make central: the need for the city to produce 3,499 affordable housing units over the coming decade, 34.3% of the total new housing produced. In order to serve our full community, at least 1,551 units (44.3%) must be affordable to households at or below 30% of Area Median Income (AMI).