Oct. 1, 2018: Updated Minneapolis 2040 draft comp plan
Back in July, the Alliance and Equity in Place submitted detailed comments on the draft Minneapolis 2040 comprehensive plan, calling for policy action steps that will directly address displacement; housing cost burdens borne by renters, people of color, and low wealth communities; problems experienced by low income renters such as poor maintenance, exploitive practices, and the consequences of eviction; and the need for the city to produce 3,499 affordable housing units over the coming decade.
On September 28, the city released an updated draft of the plan. Alliance executive director Russ Adams shared his thoughts on the updates with Finance & Commerce:
“We felt they needed more language addressing exploitation and mistreatment of renters, and then some really strong, explicit commitments to housing for households at or below 30 percent” of area median income, he said. “I do think they are disaggregating the data pretty well in terms of the impact of cost-burdened households broken down by race. That is really important. They say they want to prioritize housing that gets graded at 30 percent and 50 percent [of area median income]. … Being explicit about how to address those disparities is incredibly important.”