
On September 7, the Alliance testified in opposition to an ordinance seeking to undermine the rent stabilization policy passed by St. Paul voters in November 2021. My name is Juan Luis Rivera-Reyes and I’m a Coalition Organizer at the Alliance. The Alliance works in coalition to advance justice and equity in economic growth and land…

The Equitable Development Principles & Scorecard is a tool to answer the question: “How can development repair past harms and contribute to a stronger, more inclusive and thriving community?”  The social, physical, and historic landscape both defines and reflects the dominant powers in our communities. From the theft of Indigenous lands to the exclusion of communities of…

Shaping narratives is an essential aspect of community organizing to disrupt and uproot ingrained systems of oppression. By framing and communicating about our campaigns in strategic and intentional ways, we can more effectively mobilize our communities and engage policymakers to co-create the vision and advance the components of a fundamentally more just world. How are…

The COVID 19 pandemic has caused shifts in the way we organize and advocate for systems and policy change. To protect our collective health while meeting the urgency of the moment, we had to adjust our strategies and tactics to mobilize our communities and bring both new and long-standing demands to institutions of power. As…

In our communities renters faced a housing crisis long before the COVID pandemic but the public health emergency underscored that state leaders and policymakers have the power to safeguard the lives of renters when there is the political will. The eviction moratorium provided evidence that strong tenant protections are not just possible but beneficial to all…

For many neighborhoods, light rail lines have played a concerning role in pushing out low-wealth residents, immigrants and communities of color from their homes and businesses. For nearly a decade, the Blue Line Coalition has been working to integrate community voice into the planning process and create a different outcome for the Bottineau Corridor light…

The COVID pandemic made clear that our collective health relies on all of us having access to stable housing. The murder of Amir Locke — another heartbreaking, reprehensible and utterly unnecessary execution of a Black man by the Minneapolis Police Department — underscores that access to housing is not enough. Justice for Amir Locke demands…

Since 2013, the Blue Line Coalition has been working together to ensure government leaders recognize that the Blue Line extension is a racial justice and regional equity issue and that community inclusion and leadership must be central to ALL planning and outcomes. In coming months, key decisions will be made about the route of the…

Like so many others in our community, the Alliance staff, Board, and partners are grieving the irreplaceable loss and honoring the enduring legacy of Mel Reeves, who passed away last week. Among his many fights for justice, Mel was a contract organizer with the Alliance from 2011 until his death, working with the HIRE Minnesota…

With new resources flowing to small businesses through federal and state funding, cultural and community-based organizations came together through the Business Resource Collective (BRC) to articulate and amplify the needs of small businesses in our Black, Indigenous, immigrant and people of color communities. At our October 2021 Actualizing Equity event we learned more about the…