In neighborhood debates about new housing development, the simplified battle of the yard signs and bumper stickers boils down to NIMBYs and YIMBYs — Not In My Backyard and Yes In My Backyard. At that surface level, the dividing line is often density, with NIMBYs opposing increased traffic and building heights while YIMBYs preach the…

For thousands of Minnesota residents from Liberia, the clock is ticking. Come March 31, 2020, their ability to live and work in the communities they call home could come to an abrupt end. Organizers and community leaders with African Career, Education and Resource Inc (ACER) are mobilizing to make sure families in the northwest suburbs of…

As the Minneapolis City Council prepares to vote on a Memorandum of Understanding with the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, the Alliance submitted a letter to city council members and Mayor Jacob Frey opposing privatization of any MPHA properties. Read the full letter below.  The Alliance is a coalition of community-based organizations and advocacy groups in…

This month, Metro Transit made public an already near-final decision to eliminate 24-hour service on the Green Line light rail starting later this year. Last night, members of the Met Council’s Equity Advisory Committee (EAC) raised significant concerns about the process and impact of that decision. Outlining a number of “Service Developments,” Metro Transit shared…

At our March 2019 Actualizing Equity event, newly elected Richfield Mayor Maria Regan Gonzalez, Brooklyn Park City Councilmember Wynfred Russell and Hennepin County Commissioner Angela Conley joined us to discuss their impetus for running and approaches to policymaking.

Just last month, a new report from Wilder Research confirmed that the number of people experiencing homelessness in the Twin Cities grew by 9 percent from 2015 to 2018 — and the number of unsheltered homeless spiked by a staggering 93 percent. Many of our community members with these urgent housing challenges find shelter on public…

The Alliance partnered with more than a dozen community-centered local organizations to create the Equitable Development Principles & Scorecard, which helps communities ensure that the principles and practices of equitable development, environmental justice, and affordability are available to all residents. Intended to be a living document, adapted by communities to meet their needs, this case…

In 1994, a handful of activists formed the Alliance for Metropolitan Stability with a bold vision: uniting across issues and geographies to advocate for smarter growth and social  justice in the Twin Cities. Over the past 25 years, thousands of community leaders have worked together to evolve that vision and turn our hopes for a…

The Alliance is excited to welcome Katrina Mendoza to its staff as a new Coalition Organizer. Katrina is a fighter for justice, community healer and an independent parent to three young activists. She is most energized and motivated by the work she does in and for community. Spanning many different communities, her organizing experience includes…

Andrea Palumbo recognizes the fear in the voices of tenants. In her attorney role at HOME Line, she has the expertise to explain the legal process of eviction. But she also has the lived experience of potential displacement. “I was in the same position,” she says. “I got behind on rent and was terrified I…